The Rise of Environmental Prostheses
A year-long (and ongoing) theoretic research project as part of Prosthetic Sensorium that investigates the human-environment relationship and its mediation through the organic sensorium that becomes increasingly augmented by sensors and monitoring stations. The transition and expansion of this evolving techno-organic sensorium allows the human to perceive environmental transformations on a planetary scale, identify (human-caused) imbalances within the biosphere and mediate ecological sensitivity, which unfolds in the form of Environmental Prostheses.
Environmental Prostheses are human-made interventions augmenting dysfunctioning ecosystems and supporting the preservation and flourishing of their inhabiting lifeforms.

From Glacier Blankets and Biorocks to Acoustic Deforestation Prevention devices, this work explores the paradoxes and promises of the techno-organic sensorium, its capacity to enrich temporospatial perception, and the transformative impact of the ever-expanding body on the planet.
[awarded with Best Thesis Award of Design Academy Eindhoven]